Ask for help with the appeal process
Use one of these options to get support with your appeal or get an overview of the appeal process.
Feel free to contact the WCAT team anytime during your appeal process. They can offer information to keep an appeal on track. For example, they can answer questions about how the process works or explain the next step in an appeal. WCAT staff remain neutral, which means they cannot offer legal advice or act as your advocate or representative.
Ask the experienced team at WCAT for support that is sensitive to Indigenous culture and approach.
Advisors at the Employers’ Advisors Office and the Workers’ Advisors Office offer free help to people who disagree with a WorkSafeBC decision.
You can authorize someone to help you explain your side of the appeal. They can be a lawyer, compensation consultant, someone from a union or employers’ association, an advisor from the Employers’ Advisors Office or the Workers’ Advisors Office, a family member or a friend.
Please note: WCAT does not reimburse you for the cost of hiring a representative.
Here are some resources if you need help consulting a lawyer or getting legal advice:
- Find a lawyer: Canadian Bar Association
- Free legal help: Access Pro Bono | Law Students’ Legal Advice Program